Section outline

  • ЕС като фактор в глобалната среда - граници на "меката сила" и геополитически предизвикателства пред ЕС във второто десетилетия на 21 в. 

    На 05.06.2024 г.  

    Описание на Семинар 4: 

     Свободна дискусия за предизвикателствата пред ЕС във всички стратегически направления на неговото влияние в началото на 21 в. 

    • Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia formed the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) with the aim of fostering closer economic cooperation among member states for the well-being of the people of the region. This paper critically analyses the history and evolution of the EEU as well as its success, challenges and prospects. Despite numerous attempts and initiatives, the EEU’s actions have hardly achieved any significant success because most of its goals have either been declarative in nature or politically motivated and not taken seriously. Russian domination, influence, control and pressure may also be reasons for lack of progress and success. Long, bitter historical memories and distrust among the member states also made the integration process difficult. The article concludes that this latest attempt at integration in the former USSR region seems to be in trouble and may result in failure because of deteriorating economic conditions in Russia, the crisis facing the ruble, Russia’s continuous conflict with Ukraine and distrust among the member states.
    • January 2015 witnessed an important step towards further integration in Eurasia, with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) coming into operation. It comprises three members of the former Eurasian Customs Union (CU), Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, plus Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.
      Recent debates on Eurasian integration consider the EAEU to be a Russian hegemonic project in the region. However, the potential of this project is yet to be discovered. This article has pioneered in applying the neo-Gramscian approach to analysing the potential for the EAEU as a Russian counter-hegemonic initiative.
      The neo-Gramscian understanding of hegemony, which constitutes of four core elements, is reflected in the structure of the article: the institutional design, material capabilities (the capitalist system), security invulnerability (geopolitics) and cultural leadership.
      The article concludes that Russian regional hegemony has not yet been formed, but has the potential to be completed. Hegemony has been consolidated domestically, and has started outward expansion through the EAEU as its institutional mechanism. However, to succeed with its hegemonic project, the Russian government should not simply copy the EU’s institutional
      design but learn how to present the achievements of integration as successful
      efforts at creating a strong welfare system that favours key social groups in order to obtain social consent and take cultural leadership.
      The novelty of the presentation of hegemony as an evolutionary process, which passes through initial, transitional and conclusive phases of its development, along with the recentness of the EAEU as a topic, could make this article a contribution to Eurasian integration studies.
    • Задание 4 се фокусира върху перспективите на ЕС, като актьор в междунаордните отношения, осмислени през призмата на геополитиката. Това естествено води до необходимостта да се обърне внимание на географските направления,в които се проектират интересите на Съюза. С оглед на това Задание 4 се изразява в това, студентите да подготвят кратко есе (3-5 стр.), в което разглеждат едно от стратегическите за ЕС направления на възможно разширяване и/или изграждане на стабилна зона на влияние:

      1. Западни Балкани

      2. Източно партньорство

      3. Турция

      4. Западна Африка и Средиземноморието 

      Инструкции: Студентите избират едно то посочените стратегически направления и подготвят есе, като е желателно текстът да стъпва на следните основни елемента:

      1. В какво се изразявазначимостта на избраното стратегическо направление за ЕС.

      2. Каква е политиката на ЕС в това направление и какви резултати е постигнала.

      3. С какви предизвикателства се сблъсква ЕС в конкретното стратегическо направление.

      4. Какви са средно-срочните варианти и перспективи за развитието на конкретното стратегическо направление в политиката на ЕС.  

      Начало на заданието: 13.05.2022 г.

      Край на заданието: 08.06.2022 г.